Sunday, January 1, 2012

50 Things that make me happy.

1. Oreos.

2. Having a sense of purpose in life.

3. Having a family that loves me no matter what and knowing that they will be there for me when I need them.

4. Knowing that my Mom is being taken care of.

5. Knowing that I can afford to support myself.

6. Having friends who put up with me, even though I drive them crazy sometimes - hell I drive myself crazy sometimes

7. Being able to make a difference - being able to know that there are days that I do make a difference.

8. Buying any book that I want, whenever I want to then actually reading it - I LOVE IT

9. Sitting on the sofa and watching tv with a cup of tea/coffee. It often feels like heaven.

10. Going into Anne's office and saying "I value you" She laughs - we both know its a kiss ass comment but we both also know there is a little truth behind it.

11. Housewives of New Jersey. Do I need to say more?

12. Learning something new.

13. Laughing til I cry.

14. Being given a compliment, particularly when I’m feeling down.

15. Having someone say Yes to me when I was sure that they would say No.

16. Being proud of myself and of others.

17. Going to see a movie with my best friend.

18. Being asked for advice because someone respects my opinion.

19. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning and not having any plans for the day.

20. Feeling free.

21. Going for a walk with no destination in mind.

22. Knowing that I have invested in my future and my retirement funds are growing daily.

23. Laying in bed with no plans to get out of it for the day.

24. Receiving money in the mail or my Paypal account unexpectedly except that time when mo sent me money from her country! haa

25. Watching Hope Floats.

26. Getting an email from a friend telling me how something I’ve said has helped them.

27. An unexpected hug from my little guy

28. The smell of the ocean

29. Being pleasantly surprised by someone special.

30. Doing what I want, when I want to.

31. Going to California

32. Going out to dinner with friends.

33. Flowers.

34. Hearing I've done well at work.

35. Receiving a phone call from a friend out of the blue and talking to them for hours.

36. Knowing I'm smart even though I dont act like it.

37. Being responsible for my own happiness. It’s kind of circular, I know. But, it’s also true.

38. Reliving some of the moments I spent travelling with my friends.

39. Knowing that no matter what, I will figure things out.

40. Sitting at the kitchen table drinking a glass of wine with Dino and his parents.

41. Spending time with my mom.

42. Eating new types of food.

43. Going to places I've never been.

44. Rocking out in my car and then seeing other drivers laughing at me.

45. Being asked to guest-speak at sites. It makes me happy just when they ask.

46. Attending a concert of one of my favorite singers.

47. Having clean, crisp sheets on my bed.

48. Having supportive friends who give me great advice when I particularly need it.

49. Being appreciated at work and feeling that what I do makes a difference to them.

50. Learning from my past mistakes and growing as a person.

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