Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Haven't written in quite some time but thought since it was Thanksgiving and all I'd take a shot at it. When I was a kid I told my mom that I was going to be famous, the kind of famous that was in the history books. As time went on my plans had changed. I didn't really care if I ever made it into any kind of book. I just wanted to live every day doing my best. I wanted to change lives. I never wanted to create world peace or wanted to find the cure for cancer but instead wanted to make people smile and wanted to make some kind of impact. I soon realized that I couldn't make an impact on other people if I didn't allow people to have an impact on me. You can only teach what you know. You can only give as much love as you have. You can only pass on what has been passed on to you. So without writing forever, not just today but every single day of my life I am grateful. Grateful for what? I have been incredibly blessed with people that take time out of their day to teach me things, to listen to me, to guide me, to redirect me, and most importantly, people who just stand there and let me figure it out for myself. I never feel like thank you is ever enough but I hope they know if I'm talking to them about anything at all and I lay it out there for them it means something because not everyone gets that. I couldn't try to change the world if I didn't feel like I had that kind of support in my corner.

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